A Web-Based Co-Creation and User Engagement Method and Platform
4 years ago
A Web-Based Co-Creation and User Engagement Method and Platform

A new article by the Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI) has been launched in Lecture Notes in Computer Science: "A Web-Based Co-Creation and User Engagement Method and Platform"



In recent years, new methods to engage citizens in deliberative processes of governments and institutions have been studied. Such methodologies have become a necessity to assure the efficacy and longevity of policies. Several tools and solutions have been proposed while trying to achieve such a goal. The dual problem to citizen engagement is how to provide policy-makers with useful and actionable insights stemming from those processes. In this paper, we propose a research featuring a method and implementation of a crowdsourcing and co-creation technique that can provide value to both citizens and policy-makers engaged in the policy-making process. Thanks to our methodology, policy-makers can design challenges for citizens to partake, cooperate and provide their input. We also propose a web-based tool that allow citizens to participate and produce content to support the policy-making processes through a gamified interface that focuses on emotional and vision-oriented content.


Find the full article here!