PERISCOPE launches its thematic MOOC "Data Science Approaches to Pandemic Management"
2 years ago
PERISCOPE launches its thematic MOOC "Data Science Approaches to Pandemic Management"

PERISCOPE launches its thematic MOOC "Data Science Approaches to Pandemic Management " on the e-learning platform Coursera

The PERISCOPE thematic Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) Data Science Approaches to Pandemic Management"  is available on the e-learning platform Coursera.


This course addresses policymakers and decision-makers in the public sector. Several partners contributed to the development of materials for the course, including the Politecnico of Milano (POLIMI), the Delft University of Technology (TUDelft) , ISI Foundation, and the University of Pavia (UNIPV). The course provides a general overview of data-driven strategies applied to problems related to the pandemic and its impact on the economy, society, and individuals.



Further information is available on the course’s page on Coursera. To attend PERISCOPE's MOOCs is necessary to create a Coursera account.


Watch the teaser here!