The COVID Atlas is available here.
The COVID Atlas is a tool developed by the PERISCOPE team to provide advanced visual analytics about several aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic, with a focus on its impact on health, economics and society. It is developed over a database composed of data integrated from different external sources of health, socio-economic and socio-political data, including both public data and data from institutions that support the project. Alongside with general information regarding the pandemic progression, taken from public repositories (e.g. John Hopkins University, Google, Facebook, ECDC, OECD, CoronaNet, various local sources) and other parallel projects (4CE), the Atlas allows to visualise results of specific data analytics and models, and includes a WebGIS for geographic data inspection. The tool is particularly useful for policy makers, researchers, health authorities and other stakeholders interested in understanding the impact of the pandemic.
A tutorial on how to use the COVID Atlas it is also available here.

Last updated: August 29, 2024
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