PERISCOPE launches its thematic MOOC “Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare Management”
2 years ago
PERISCOPE launches its thematic MOOC “Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare Management”

PERISCOPE launches its thematic MOOC “Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare Management” on the e-learning platform Coursera

The PERISCOPE thematic Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) “Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare Management" is available on the e-learning platform Coursera.

This MOOC was designed to provide an introduction to trustworthy artificial intelligence in healthcare, covering fundamental AI concepts, ethical applications, the Z-Inspection® process for evaluating trustworthy AI, and real-world case studies.

The course was developed by Goethe University and is suitable for healthcare professionals, patients, and AI practitioners. Best of all, no prior AI knowledge is required to enroll!


Further information is available on the course’s page on Coursera. To attend PERISCOPE's MOOCs is necessary to create a Coursera account.


Watch the teaser here!