PERISCOPE Monthly Talks #13 - Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare Management with Dennis Vetter
a year ago
PERISCOPE Monthly Talks #13 - Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare Management with Dennis Vetter

A new PERISCOPE Monthly Talks episode is live!

In this episode, we delve into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence (AI). Entitled "Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare Management", our special guest, Dennis Vetter, will shed light on this topic.


Dennis Vetter is a PhD student at the Frankfurt Big Data Lab at Goethe University Frankfurt. He previously worked as a Machine Learning Engineer in the Netherlands and has a Bachelors and Masters degree in Computer Science. His research is focused on the application of artificial intelligence (AI) systems and the ethical implications of the AI decision making process.



If you're intrigued by the role of artificial intelligence in healthcare management, we invite you to tune in to this insightful podcast episode. We aim to provide you with an engaging and informative conversation.


Listen the podcast episode here!