PERISCOPE MOOC - "Tools and Practices for Addressing Pandemic Challenges" (Coursera)
PERISCOPE MOOC - "Tools and Practices for Addressing Pandemic Challenges" on Coursera

PERISCOPE MOOC - "Tools and Practices for Addressing Pandemic Challenges" on Coursera

The PERISCOPE Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) “Tools and practices for Addressing Pandemic Challenges” was officially launched on the e-learning platform Coursera. This is an introductory course, that collects short lessons from the main courses that PERISCOPE partners developed. Videos and learning materials have been grouped into three thematic modules: 


    • Data-driven approaches to pandemics, with four short lessons on: 

      1. Crowdsourcing, Gamification, and Data Collection for Decision Making 
      2. Network-based Financial Inclusion 
      3. Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare 
      4. High-resolution contact network data to simulate epidemic dynamics and the impact of digital contact tracing. 
    • Pandemic preparedness, prevention, and response, with four brief focuses on: 

      1. One Health: role in pandemic preparedness, prevention, and response 
      2. Strengthening territorial response for better health 
      3. Built Environment & Infectious Diseases 
      4. Ending Stigma and Improving Mental Health 
    • Social work during and after a pandemic, that zooms into: 

      1. An overview 
      2. Ethnographic Insights into COVID-19 Vaccine Policymaking. 


The course is completely free of charge, 100% online and administered in a self-paced learning modality, with the possibility of receiving a certificate of completion after the sucessfull conclusion of all its modules. Further information is available on the course’s landing page on Coursera.


Watch the teaser here!