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horizon 2020
Sister Project Conference in Brussels
10 months ago
Sister Project Conference in Brussels

This conference was organised by the RESPOND project, in collaboration with the COVINFORM, PERISCOPE, RESISTIRÉ, and SHARE-COVID19 projects.

The Sister Project Conference, held on September 7th in Brussels, marked a significant milestone in collaborative efforts addressing the COVID-19 pandemic. This groundbreaking event brought together five distinguished projects: PERISCOPERESPONDCOVINFORMRESISTIRÉ, and SHARE. All of these projects have received funding from the European Union’s SARS-CoV-2 grant, a vital component of the “Innovative and rapid health-related approaches to respond to COVID-19 and to deliver quick results for society for a higher level of preparedness of health systems (SC1-PHE- CORONAVIRUS-2020-2)” initiative. This initiative stands as a testament to the remarkable collaborative spirit driving research and policy recommendations aimed at navigating the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuring the preparedness of health.


Enea Parimbelli (University of Pavia), representing the PERISCOPE project, delivered an insightful presentation on "PERISCOPE Data Atlas: data integration and analytics for policymaking." Additionally, Timothy Yueng (CEPS) provided valuable reflections on lessons learned for EU public health emergency governance at the Promoting Pandemic Preparedness conference.


For a detailed overview of the event's program and a complete list of speakers, please click here.