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PERISCOPE launches its thematic Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) "Reaching Vulnerable Groups through Pandemic Policy” on Coursera
2 years ago

PERISCOPE launches its thematic Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) "Reaching Vulnerable Groups through Pandemic Policy” on Coursera

The PERISCOPE Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) "Reaching Vulnerable Groups through Pandemic Policy” is available on the e-learning platform Coursera.


This course aims to provide an in-depth reflection on social work in different contexts, hereby focusing on their needs, the way the contexts have been influenced, and different challenges that have occurred during the last two years. 


It aims to set up conversations with multiple professionals where they give information about the hurdles on their path, the lessons learned from these turbulent times, and to give an overview of important ideas and practices that could help reshape the future of social work.

In the end, the goal is to provide specific, hands-on, best practices collected from literature and professionals in Belgium and Europe that help organise social work, both during and after a pandemic.


Further information is available on the course’s page on Coursera. To attend PERISCOPE's MOOCs is necessary to create a Coursera account.


The course is completely free of charge, 100% online and administered in a self-paced learning modality, with the possibility of receiving a certificate of completion after the successful conclusion of all its modules.