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PERISCOPE partner launches new article
2 years ago
Technical University of Münich (TUM) and University of Trento (UNITN)

PERISCOPE partner launches new article

A new article by the Technical University of Münich (TUM) and the University of Trento (UNITN) has been launched: “How should COVID-19 vaccines be distributed between the global north and south: a discrete choice experiment in six european countries”.


Abstract: The global distribution of COVID-19 vaccinations remains highly unequal. We examine public preferences in six European countries regarding the allocation of COVID-19 vaccines between the Global South and Global North.

In all six countries, respondents prioritised candidates with a high mortality and infection risk, irrespective of whether the candidate lived in the respondent's own country. All else equal, respondents in Italy, France, Spain, and Sweden gave priority to a candidate from a low-income country, whereas German respondents were significantly more likely to choose the candidate from their own country. Female, younger, and more educated respondents were more favourable to an equitable vaccine distribution. Given these preferences for global solidarity, European governments should promote vaccine transfers to poorer world regions.


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