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European union’s
horizon 2020
about UNIPV



The University of Pavia, founded in 1361, is an Italian HEI boasting a centuries-old tradition of excellence, having had as part of its faculty three Nobel Prize winners and renowned scientists such as Alessandro Volta, Antonio Scarpa and Gerolamo Cardano. At present, it is home to a vibrant and diverse academic community composed by more than 23,000 students and about 900 professors. The international profile of the university is reinforced by more than 400 collaboration arrangements and almost 700 Erasmus agreements in place with partner universities throughout the world, as well as by the membership in many international networks, such as the Coimbra Group, EUA and Netval. UNIPV offers a wide variety of disciplinary and interdisciplinary teaching activities organised by 2 Faculties, 18 Departments and 85 study programs at all levels, within an excellent student-to-teacher ratio, in a “city-campus” endowed with 20 public and private colleges. As a research-intensive university, UNIPV hosts state-of-the-art equipment, laboratories and infrastructures and cooperates in many national, EU and international projects with public and private institutions, enterprises and companies. With reference to H2020, UNIPV is hosting 14 MSCA actions (5 ETN, 1 EJD, 5 IF and 3 RISE), 10 ERC grants (5 Starting, 3 Consolidator and 2 Advanced) and is involved in 30 collaborative R&D projects, among which the FIN-TECH project, the PULSE project and the Human Brain Project. In total, 54 projects for a total funding of 25 million euro.

The group involved in this project is a joint team from the Departments of Economics and Management, Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering (Faculty of Engineering), Civil and Architectural Engineering (Faculty of Engineering) and Clinical-Surgical and Diagnostics (Faculty of Medicine).


Team Members


Paolo Giudici, PERISCOPE Coordinator                                                    

Enea Parimbelli, WP4 Leader – Assistant Professor

Paola Cerchiello, WP6 Leader – Full Professor

Giuseppe Albi, PhD Student

Chiara Podrecca, Researcher

Cristiana Larizza, Associate Professor

Riccardo Bellazi, Full Professor

Vittorio Casella, Associate Professor

Marica Teresa Rocca, Researcher

Arianna Agosto, Researcher

Alessandro Bitetto, Researcher

Alessandra Tanda, Researcher

Paolo Pagnottoni, Researcher

Pavia, Italy